Why is The Angel Company Model Superior?
There are many new business models being used to help startup companies. There are startup “accelerators”, “incubators”, “makerspaces”, etc.
- Unlike accelerators like YCombinator The Angel Company does not require that the startup move its business to Silicon Valley. I know that it is hard to believe, but not every company wants to be in California.
- Unlike “accelerators” and “incubators” The Angel Company does not intimidate startups with “help”, which is often viewed by startups as micro-management by outside investors. Some incubators even require the startup (which is desperate for investment) to pay them (!)
- Instead, the startup company can get the amount that they desire to start, instead of just enough to stay alive until the next round of investment
- The money for the bonus investments is allocated by the crowd. The crowd has consistently been much more accurate in determining good investments than any individual investor.